Seven Soldiers Guardian #1

Seven Soldiers Guardian #1

Grant Morrison continues his epic 30 part storyline. Consisting of 2 bookends and seven 4 issue mini-series that tell the tale of seven lesser known DC Heroes never actually team up but try to save the universe. Stars Grants updated version of the Guardian of Metropolis versus train Pirates! With art by Cameron (Sea Guy) Stewart. According to the press kit you do not need to read every mini series to understand what happens. It all just adds layers to his massive plot. Like an onion. Highly recommended.
Grant Morrison continues his epic 30 part storyline. Consisting of 2 bookends and seven 4 issue mini-series that tell the tale of seven lesser known DC Heroes never actually team up but try to save the universe. Stars Grants updated version of the Guardian of Metropolis versus train Pirates! With art by Cameron (Sea Guy) Stewart. According to the press kit you do not need to read every mini series to understand what happens. It all just adds layers to his massive plot. Like an onion. Highly recommended.