Ghostly Tales cy Ernie Bache
Ghostly Wanderings... (Ghostly Tales #56, 1966)

Ernest Bache, who also used the pen name Lee Bachelor, attended the Cartoonists and Illustrators Schools and the High School of Industrial Arts in New York City. He worked in advertising for several years and did his first comic book work for Quality Comics and Rural Home in the 1940s. He also worked on syndicated strips like 'Dean Marshall' and 'Perry Mason' before becoming the assistant of Dick Ayers at Timely/Atlas.

By the 1950s he was mainly active as an inker, among others on Atlas war titles like 'Battlefront', 'Battleground' and 'War Comics', mystery and romance titles for Story Comics and war and romance titles by Youthful Magazines. In the 1960s he was mainly working for Charlton Comics as an inker and occasional penciller for the company's war, ghost and western titles.

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