Le Pays des Anciens, by Jean Bello

Jean Bello was born in Pietraroia, Italy, but has lived in Quebec since 1958. As an artist and illustrator, his writings and drawings appeared daily in Le Devoir (1976). From 1978 to 1980 he drew the weekly comics serial 'Le Pays des Anciens' with text by N. Bourdon for La Presse. For the teenage magazine Vidéo-Presse he made the comic series 'Journal d'un Mange-Espace'. Jean Bello's work has also appeared in the USA (a.o. Epic Illustrated) and France.

Bello was a member of the young artists' union SOJAC, established in 1977. He was a lecturer in comics with the University of Montréal. In 1983 he traveled to Rwanda as an expert in illustration for the U.S.-AID Kigali and Creative Associates (Washington). Back in Canada he participated in a television show about comics called Le 9e Art (1984-86). Bello also took on writing.

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