Avenging Spider-Man by Marco Checchetto
Avenging Spider-Man

Marco Checchetto is an Italian comic book artist, who has worked for Marvel Comics in the USA since 2007. He started his career in 2002 with drawing the covers of PSM Playstation Magazine. He was then a penciler for Italian comic books like 'L'Insonne' for Edizioni Arcadia and 'Jonathan Steele' for Star Comics. He also drew 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' stories for Il Giornalino, and did a 'Spider-Man' series for Marvel Italia in 2007.

Jonathan Steele by Marco Checchetto
Jonathan Steele

He started working for Marvel in the USA in the same year. Among his early work was the mini-series 'Weapon Omega', and a run on 'Squadron Supreme'. Checchetto has also worked on several US 'Spider-Man' titles, like 'Amazing Spider-Man' (2009-2010), 'Avenging Spider-Man' (2009-2011) and 'Superior Spider-Man Team-up' (2013-2014). He drew several issues of 'Daredevil' in 2010-2011, and is also noted for his run on 'The Punisher' with Greg Rucka in 2011 and 2012. He works on his own project, 'Life Zero Chronicles' with Stefano Vietti.

Amazing Spider-Man by Marco Checchetto

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