Nightveil by Mark Heike

Mark G. Heike was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1959. He is mainly known for his work for AC Comics. He got his start in fanzines in the 1970s and he got his early break at Charlton Comics in 1981. His comics work for Americomics (later known as AC) in the 1980s included 'Miss Victory' and 'Nightveil'. After a few years away from comics working in the architectural field, he moved to Florida in 1990 and began working for AC full time. He is the company's Associate Editor and he has worked on nearly every AC title, most notably 'Femforce'.

In addition to his work for AC, Heike has worked for Marvel ('X-Men', 'Magneto', 'She-Hulk'), DC ('Star Trek: The Original Cast'), Dark Horse (several 'Star Wars' series, 'Spyboy', 'Xena: Warrior Princess', 'Aliens vs. Predator: War') Image ('Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'), Malibu ('Mantra', 'Rhiannon') Antarctic Press ('Lilith: Demon Princess') Eclipse Comics ('Parts Unknown: Dark Deceptions') and First Comics ('Nexus', 'Judah the Hammer').

Ms Victory by Mark Heike

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