Katusha by Wayne Vansant
Katusha (2013)

Wayne Vansant is an American comic book artist who works exclusively with military history topics. Vansant is a native of Georgia and served in the United States Navy during the Vietnam War. He has chronicled history in comics format since 1986 and was the primary artist for Marvel's acclaimed Vietnam War title 'The 'Nam' from 1987 until 1993. He has researched, written, and illustrated many non-fiction graphic novels such as 'Days of Darkness', 'Battron: The Trojan Woman', 'Antietam: The Fiery Trial' (under the direction of the National Park Service), 'Blockage: The Civil War at Sea' and 'The War in Korea'.

With writer Dwight Jon Zimmerman he authored the books 'The Vietnam War: a graphic history' and 'The Hammer and the Anvil', the story of Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass and the end of slavery in America. In 2012, Zenith Graphic Histories published 'Normandy: a graphic history of D-Day', followed in 2013 by 'Gettysburg: the graphic history', 'Grant vs. Lee: The Graphic History of the Civil War's Greatest Rivals During the Last Year of the War' and 'Bombing Nazi Germany'. In 2013, he returned to historical fiction with his three-volume series 'Katusha', an epic of the eastern front of World War II.

Witches Caldron by Wayne Vansant
Witches Caldron (1997)

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