5 Questions with Dr. Jamel Sandidge

Dr. Jamel Sandidge, national director, technical services, Nisus Corporation, explains what makes makes Nibor-D and Nibor-D Insecticide Foam + IGR different.

Dr. Jamel Sandidge, Ph.D., BCE, National Director, Technical Services, Nisus Corporation
1. What makes Nibor-D® and Nibor-D® Insecticide Foam + IGR different from other pesticides on the market?

Few products on the market are effective when applied as a foam, liquid spray, dust, and mop solution like Nibor-D is. Whether it’s with a bulb duster, standard sprayer, or foamer, you can apply Nibor-D with whatever equipment you have on the truck that day. Nibor-D Insecticide Foam + IGR combines the effectiveness of Nibor-D and an IGR with the convenience of a foaming aerosol. Once applied to a surface, crack or void, or it attaches to organic debris, these borate-based products remain active until the residual is physically removed or consumed by insects since the active ingredient is not easily degraded.

They are also more environmentally friendly. Boron is a naturally occurring mineral found in virtually every ecosystem. Animals and humans commonly ingest boron in their diets, simply using what they need and rapidly excreting any excess via the kidneys. Insects do not have this ability, so boron accumulates in their system. Borates have a delayed action, allowing pests to transport the insecticide throughout a colony or harborage. Once ingested, borates work quickly and insects will start dying within 2-3 days.

New Nibor-D Insecticide Foam + IGR

Convenient for bar drains.
Use in drains to control flies such as fruit flies and drain flies. It’s even effective on cockroaches hiding in drains.
Use for crack and void applications.
2. Can Nibor-D and Nibor-D + IGR be applied to drains for cockroaches and small flies in commercial facilities?

Yes. These two products have fewer label and application restrictions than many other products. Nibor-D + IGR is already packaged as a foam, and Nibor-D can be applied to drains as a dust, liquid or foam. Once applied, the active ingredient diffuses throughout the organic matter and biofilm layers, rendering breeding and feeding materials toxic to small flies and cockroaches found in drains.

3. I’ve heard that there is no known insecticide resistance to borates. Is this true and can you explain?

Physiological resistance builds in populations when a heritable change occurs through mutations in proteins. Borates do not directly affect proteins, meaning insects cannot develop resistance. Instead, borates kill insects through multiple modes of action. Once ingested, boron blocks the process of converting food into energy and destroys the insect’s gut while causing a neurotoxic action.

4. How is disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT) different than boric acid? Which is preferred?

Each brings its advantages based on intended use and formulation. DOT contains a higher percentage of the active ingredient boron, is much more water-soluble, and is a corrosion inhibitor, unlike boric acid. DOT is the clear choice for liquid and foam applications and treatments around metal such as drains and wall voids.

5. I struggle with carpenter ants in my area. Is Nibor-D effective against carpenter ants?

Applied as a foam or dust, Nibor-D is highly effective at eliminating existing carpenter ant nests and preventing infestations. Plus, Nibor-D will protect against wood rot and decay in the wet areas responsible for the infestation. It also protects against secondary wood-destroying organisms like termites and wood-boring beetles that may find the area if conducive conditions are not corrected.

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