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A new corrected and expanded 13th edition

(10.835 entries)

June 2020

(Embryology, Generation, Procreation, Gynecology,
Obstetrics, Midwifery, Contraception, Abortion, Sex,
Sexuality, Gender, Feminity, Womanhood, Prostitution,
Love, Marriage, Family, Household, Childbirth,
Maternity, Motherhood, Nursing, Breastfeeding, Child-
rearing, Childcare, Infancy, Childhood, Adoption,
Education, Play, Disability, Infanticide, Exposure,
Demographical Problems, Eugenics).

Yiannis Panidis
University of Crete

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PEDRUCCI, G. 2018. Maternità e allattamenti nel mondo greco e romano. Un percorso fra
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PEDRUCCI, G. 2019. Breastfeeding ʻin coupleʼ: possible interpretations of some votive
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PEDRUCCI, G. 2019. Allaitements ʻtransgressifsʼ dans l’antiquité gréco-romaine. In: S.
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PEDRUCCI, G. (ed.) 2020. Pregnancies, childbirths, and religions: rituals, normative
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PEDRUCCI, G. (ed.) 2020. Religionification of motherhood and mothers’ Appropriation of
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PEDRUCCI, G. (ed.) 2020. Maternità e monoteismi / Motherhood(s) and Monotheisms, Rome:
PEDRUCCI, G. 2020. “Cibele, la “non-madre”, e la negazione della paternità (e della maternità)
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PEDRUCCI, G. 2020. Not of woman born: gravidanze maschili e parto cesareo nel mondo greco
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International Workshop held at Max-Weber-Kolleg (University of Erfurt), January 31 to
February 1, 2019, Rome: Scienze e Lettere, 151-164.
PEDRUCCI, G. 2020. Kourotrophia and ʻmotheringʼ figures: conceiving and raising an infant
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evidences in narratives and art. In: G. Pedrucci (ed.), Motherhood(s) in Religions: The
Religionification of Motherhood and Mothers’ Appropriation of Religion, Special Issue
of Open Theology, Warsaw: De Gruyter, 145-166.
PEDRUCCI, G. 2020. The entanglement of mothers and religions: an introduction. In: G.
Pedrucci (ed.), Motherhood(s) in Religions: The Religionification of Motherhood and
Mothers’ Appropriation of Religion, Special Issue of Open Theology, Warsaw: De
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PEDRUCCI, G. (ed.) (2020, forthcoming). Mothering(s) and Religions: Normative Perspectives
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PEDRUCCI, G. (2020, forthcoming). Who protects the children in Roman religion? From
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PEDRUCCI, G. (2020, forthcoming). Seno (materno) e morte: riflessioni sull’esibizione del
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PEDRUCCI, G. (2020, forthcoming). On the use of human milk and menstrual blood between
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PEDRUCCI, G. (2020, forthcoming). Politeismo e gender studies: riconsiderando la maternità di
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PEDRUCCI, G. (2020, forthcoming). L’utilizzo del latte nella religione greca. In: I. Baglioni
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PEDRUCCI, G. (2020, forthcoming). Balie e levatrici nel mondo greco e romano: donne
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Mondo Magico dall’Antichità all’Età Contemporanea. June 14-18, 2016, Velletri
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PEDRUCCI, G. (2020, forthcoming). Divination and female sexuality: the transformation of the
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PEDRUCCI, G. (2020, forthcoming). Mothering(s) and Religions: Reciprocal Influences. An
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Antiquity to the Present, Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Max-
Weber-Kolleg (University of Erfurt), July 16-17, 2019, Rome: Scienze e Lettere.
PEDRUCCI, G. (2020, forthcoming). Mater semper certa est? Nuove proposte interpretative a
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PEDRUCCI, G. (2020, forthcoming). Mothering. In: J. Bremmer, G. Petridou and J. Rüpke
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