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  1. Collections
  2. Inspired by Takashi Murakami

Inspired by Takashi Murakami

Takashi Murakami
Painter - Japan

Who is Takashi Murakami?

Takashi Murakami is an internationally renowned contemporary Japanese artist. 

In 2001, he founded the "Superflat" movement, a Japanese aesthetic that claims the heritage of Andy Warhol and Pop Art. His universe is populated with colorful characters that blur the boundaries between monstrous and charming, kitsch and high art. Takashi Murakami combines the modern techniques of gigantic creations with the meticulousness and precision of traditional Japanese art.

Today he is one of the 10 most renowned and expensive contemporary artists on the international art market. 

Takashi Murakami's most famous artworks

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Bring Takashi Murakami Home

Takashi Murakami is a Japanese painter and sculptor. Known for his blending of fine art and commercial art, and inspired by the Pop Art movement, Murakami explores the relationship between various aspects of contemporary society.

The artist links today's cultural phenomena—including fashion, graphic design, and comic books—with traditional Japanese art forms. His work is filled with humor, and while his characters are often joyful and bright, there is also a subversive interpretation which suggests nuanced commentary on our society. Branding has become a huge part of the Murakami's practice, and he created his own studio and artist management agency, where he has collaborated with brands across different industries including fashion, food, and gaming.

Discover our artists inspired by the innovative contemporary artist.

The most famous artworks by Takashi Murakami

Tan Tan Bo – In Communication, Takashi Murakami 2014 - SINGULART

Tan Tan Bo – In Communication

Warhol/Silver, Takashi Murakami 2009 - SINGULART


A Panda Family Against the Blue Sky, Takashi Murakami 2014 - SINGULART

A Panda Family Against the Blue Sky


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