This is a blog dedicated to the beautifully talented front-woman of Arcade Fire.
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Anonymous asked: why does regine look white if she's Haitian uhh


I was going to make a sarcastic comment but I decided not to so here you go

It’s honestly not known how or why Régine is white passing when she is Haitian. There are no pictures, as far as I’m aware of, of her father, but it has been confirmed that her mother was definitely dark skinned. It has also been confirmed that even she herself isn’t sure as to why she’s white passing, since apparently the rest of her family is dark skinned and she’s the only one that isn’t. However, it is possible that she had a white ancestor whose light skinned trait was skipped for several generations and ended up reemerging when she was born. But until it is finally confirmed as to why, it’s all theories and guesswork

Yup, she’s white-passing multi-racial. I am not sure exactly what she would identify herself as if you asked, but in an interview this year (Rolling Stone) she mentioned it:

Chassagne says she’s of mixed racial descent. Her parents were both darker than her, she says, “But somehow I just came out like this.”

She has mixed ancestry on both her parents’ sides, given which (like she says) her complexion is fairly unlikely but not abnormal. People of mixed European and African ancestry officially constitute ~5% of the Haitian population, but it’s probably worth noting that in general Caribbean populations are/can be a lot more multi-racial than individuals appear, thanks to the historical mixing of Europeans, Africans and the actual native American peoples.

Régine and her mother:


Régine’s dad:


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