The Space Physics and Atmospheric Research Center researches the solar terrestrial environment and longevity of Space Force assets.
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The Space Science Division conducts a broad-spectrum of Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) in solar-terrestrial physics, astrophysics, upper/ ...
The Defense Department is taking innovative and bold actions to ensure space superiority and secure the nation's vital interests in space now and in the future.
Missing: physics | Show results with:physics
Space science studies the space environment, as well as the science behind the technology of spacecraft, satellites, and space exploration.
Space physics is the study of everything above the Earth's atmosphere, where the ionosphere and magnetosphere reside, and from the sun, to the solar system ...
Apr 2, 2024 · The Defense Department's Commercial Space Integration Strategy outlines DOD's efforts to effectively integrate commercial space solutions ...
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The Committee on Solar and Space Physics (CSSP) provides an independent, authoritative forum for identifying and discussing issues in solar and space ...
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The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) stands ready to solve the most complex space problems by developing and delivering technology from satellites to rocket ...
Missing: physics | Show results with:physics
This program's goal is to advance the understanding of the space environment to improve space situational awareness (SSA). The space environment affects all ...
The Physical Sciences Team leads the discovery and transition of foundational physical science to enable air, space, and cyber power.