
Learn to pronounce for·mi·da·ble

inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.
"a formidable opponent"
synonyms: intimidating, forbidding, redoubtable, daunting, alarming, frightening, terrifying, petrifying, horrifying, chilling, disturbing, disquieting, dreadful, brooding, awesome, fearsome, ominous, foreboding, sinister, menacing, mean-looking, threatening, dangerous, spooky, scary, creepy, direful, bodeful, onerous, arduous, taxing, difficult, hard, heavy, laborious, burdensome, strenuous, vigorous, back-breaking, stiff, uphill, relentless, Herculean, monumental, colossal, demanding, trying, tough, challenging, exacting, overwhelming, exhausting, wearying, fatiguing, tiring, punishing, grueling, grinding, killing, no picnic, knackering, toilsome, exigent, capable, able, proficient, adept, adroit, accomplished, impressive, strong, powerful, mighty, terrific, tremendous, great, indomitable, invincible, seasoned, skillful, skilled, gifted, talented, masterly, virtuoso, expert, knowledgeable, qualified, trained, efficient, good, excellent, brilliant, outstanding, first-class, first-rate, mean, wicked, deadly, nifty, crack, ace, stellar, wizard, magic, crackerjack, badass, compleat, habile, shit-hot

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3 days ago · 1. causing fear, dread, or apprehension; a formidable prospect. 2. having qualities that discourage approach or attack; a formidable opponent.
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