"Age of Apocalypse" is a 1995 comic book crossover storyline mostly published in the X-Men franchise of books by Marvel Comics.
AGE OF APOCALYPSE: THE COMPLETE EVENT. Charles Xavier is dead - killed twenty years in the past during a freak time-travel accident - and the world that has ...
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The Age of Apocalypse is an alternate timeline created by Legion after he had travelled back in time and accidentally caused the death of his own father, ...

Age of Apocalypse

Univers de fiction
Age of Apocalypse est un crossover se déroulant dans l'univers de Marvel Comics. Publié entre 1995 et 1996, il impliquait les séries liées aux X-Men, rebaptisées pour l'occasion. Wikipédia
Personnages principaux : ApocalypseX-MenMagnéto

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Avis (114) · 55,00 $US
The mirror gets darker and the Amazing X-Men more Astonished by the minute as the Age of Apocalypse hits its third quarter!
Avis (320) · 11,99 $US
Book details · Part of Series. Age of Apocalypse · Print length. 408 pages · Language. English · Publisher. Marvel Enterprises · Publication date. January 1, 2015.
The following fourteen issues comprise the X-Men: The Complete Age of Apocalypse Epic TPB #2 and serve as the first chapter of the Age of Apocalypse. Part 1 – " ...
17 juin 2020 · A Guided Tour Through the 'Age of Apocalypse'. When time travel went amok, the X-Men's alternate reality was born! Read the entire saga on ...
Age of Apocalypse: Dawn is a prologue trade that chronicles The Astonishing X-Men and Apocalypse's rise to power. In short this trade collection offers a number ...
21 juin 2023 · Revisiting Age of Apocalypse ... Since the classic Days of Future Past, dystopias time-travel stories have been part of the X-Men tradition. As ...
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse is a 2005 Marvel Comics six-issue limited series which takes place a year after the last story in the X-Men: Age of Apocalypse ...