Beast Boy (Garfield Mark "Gar" Logan) is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. He has also gone under the alias Changeling.
Beast Boy (sometimes "BB") is one of the main characters of the Teen Titans series. He is a former member of the Doom Patrol and one of the five founding ...
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Garfield Logan, known primarily as Beast Boy but for a time as Changeling, is a green-skinned superhero who has the power to transform into any animal.

Beast Boy

Personnage de fiction
Beast Boy ou Changelin est un personnage de fiction, super-héros appartenant à l'univers de DC Comics. Il est connu principalement comme membre des Teen Titans. Créé par le scénariste Arnold Drake et l'artiste Bob Brown, il apparaît pour la... Wikipédia
Cheveux : Verts
Créé par : Arnold Drake; Bob Brown
Espèce : Métahumain
Pouvoirs : Métamorphe pouvant prendre l'apparence de n'importe quel animal

Beast Boy. Able to take the form of almost any animal, Garfield Logan, despite his flippant personality, is one of the most esteemed superheroes to ...
Vidéo pour ""Beast Boy""
25 mars 2023 · Is Beast Boy secretly the smartest member of the Teen Titans?! DC Kids is home to all your ...
Durée : 11:32
Postée : 25 mars 2023
Vidéo pour ""Beast Boy""
3 août 2024 · Take a look back at the different versions of Beast Boy from Teen Titans Go! 0:00 - Beast Girl 2 ...
Durée : 35:31
Postée : 3 août 2024
Teen Titans: Beast Boy ; Ready to Start. Arcade Fire ; Humility (feat. George Benson). Gorillaz, George Benson ; Naive. The Kooks ; Animals. Maroon 5 ; Sabrosa.
How Old is Beast Boy? BY: Donovan Morgan Grant. Monday, January 22nd, 2024. The young changeling Garfield Logan has been a superhero since his school days ...
Vidéo pour ""Beast Boy""
23 avr. 2023 · No one puts the "beast" in Beast Boy quite like Ryan Potter. Watch TITANS on HBO Max: https ...
Durée : 4:02
Postée : 23 avr. 2023
19 mars 2018 · Beast Boy is a fictional superhero who possesses the ability to shapeshift into different animals. He was created by DC Comics and is best-known as a character ...