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What does it mean to say "checkmate"?
How do you actually checkmate?
What is checkmate in real life?
What is the difference between mate and checkmate?
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Checkmate (often shortened to mate) is any game position in chess and other chess-like games in which a player's king is in check (threatened with capture)
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A checkmate (also known as "mate") occurs when a king is placed in check and has no legal moves to escape. When a checkmate happens, the game ends immediately, ...
Échec et mat (Checkmate)
L'échec et mat ou plus souvent mat est, au jeu d'échecs, une situation dans laquelle un roi est menacé de capture au prochain coup et pour laquelle aucune parade n'est possible pour l'éviter. La partie prend alors fin immédiatement et le joueur... Wikipédia
12 août 2024 · The meaning of CHECKMATE is to arrest, thwart, or counter completely. How to use checkmate in a sentence. Figurative Checkmate and Other Chess
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The Checkmate collection features bikinis with moulded bras and high-waisted pants, Square Neck Singlets and chic Panelled One Pieces in Cobalt and Cornflower ...
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