Insurgent is a 2015 American dystopian science fiction action film directed by Robert Schwentke, based on the 2012 novel Insurgent

Divergente 2 : L'Insurrection (The Divergent Series: Insurgent)

PG-13 · 2015 ‧ Action/SF ‧ 1h 59m
6,2/10 · IMDb 28 % · Rotten Tomatoes
Dans un monde post-apocalyptique où la société a été réorganisée autour de cinq factions, Tris a mis au jour un complot mené par la faction dominante, les Érudits, dirigés par Jeanine. Abandonnant une ville à feu et à sang, à la recherche...
Date de sortie : 16 mars 2015 (États-Unis)
Réalisateur : Robert Schwentke
Adaptation de : Divergente 2
Sociétés de production : Red Wagon Entertainment; Mandeville Films; Summit Entertainment; NeoReel

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Avis (258 555)
"Insurgent" follows Tris (Shailene Woodley), Four (Theo James), and the others on the run from Jeanine Matthews (Kate Winslet) who is hunting divergents (you'll ...
The Divergent Series: Insurgent ... With conflict brewing between Chicago factions, Tris and Four turn to the past for answers as they gather allies to oppose ...
1 sept. 2024 · The meaning of INSURGENT is a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially : a rebel not recognized ...
Avis (208)
Shailene Woodley gives it her all, but Insurgent is still a resounding step back for a franchise struggling to distinguish itself from the dystopian YA crowd.
Avis (18 732)
The Divergent Series: Insurgent raises the stakes for Tris (Shailene Woodley) as she searches for answers and allies in this star- powered, action-packed ...
Vidéo pour ""Insurgent""
12 déc. 2014 · ... INSURGENT raises the stakes for Tris as she searches for allies and answers in the ruins of ...
Durée : 2:25
Postée : 12 déc. 2014
Insurgent definition: a person who rises in forcible opposition to lawful authority, especially a person who engages in armed resistance to a government or ...
Insurgent is the second installment in the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth. It is the sequel to Divergent (2011) and is followed by the third and final ...
An insurgent is a rebel or a revolutionary, someone who takes up arms against the authorities. Insurgent is from the Latin word “insurgentem,” literally ...