Joe the Barbarian is an eight-issue comic book limited series written by Grant Morrison and drawn by Sean Murphy. It was published in 2010-2011 by Vertigo ...
Avis (171) · 25,56 $US
Part of Series: Joe the Barbarian. Print length: 224 pages. Language: English. Publisher: Vertigo. Publication date: March 12, 2013.
About Joe the Barbarian (New Edition). Joe is an imaginative eleven year-old boy. He can't fit in at school. He's the victim of bullies.
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JOE THE BARBARIAN ... Joe is an imaginative eleven-year-old boy. He can't fit in at school. He's the victim of bullies. His dad died overseas in the Iraq war. He ...
19,99 $US
Joe the Barbarian (New Edition) ; Paperback. $19.99 US. | $25.99 CAN ; About. Joe is an imaginative eleven year-old boy. He can't fit in at school. He's the ...
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8 nov. 2011 · Joe the Barbarian by Grant Morrison, Sean Murphy, and Dave Stewart
11,00 $US
Joe the Barbarian, , Morrison, Grant, Good, 2013-03-12, ; Item Number. 325274660041 ; Publication Year. 2013 ; Format. Trade Paperback ; Accurate description. 4.9.
Joe The Barbarian ; Release: Jan 2010 - Mar 2011 ; Issues: 8 ; Collected Vols: 2 ; Critic Reviews: 35 ; User Reviews: 28.
In the whimsical realm of "Joe the Barbarian," a young boy named Joe embarks on an extraordinary adventure. Faced with relentless bullying, grief over his ...
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Joe the Barbarian TPB(mr) ... Joe Manson is just a 13-year-old kid with a pet rat named Jack, a mom who's struggling to keep their family afloat, and a case of ...