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Lord Farquaad ou simplement Farquaad, de son vrai nom Maximus Farquaad, est un personnage fictif de la franchise Shrek. Il fait sa première apparition en ...
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Pourquoi Lord Farquaad ?
Pourquoi s'appelle-t-il Lord Farquaad ?
Qu'est-il arrivé à Farquaad ?
Où habite Lord Farquaad ?
Lord Maximus Farquaad is the main antagonist of the 2001 animated feature film Shrek; as well as Shrek 4-D, and the musical. He is voiced by John Lithgow.
Lord Farquaad
Personnage fictif
Lord Farquaad ou simplement Farquaad, de son vrai nom Maximus Farquaad, est un personnage fictif de la franchise Shrek. Il fait sa première apparition en tant qu'antagoniste principal dans le premier film, Shrek, avant de faire son retour sous la... Wikipédia
Doublage : V.O.: John Lithgow; V.F.: Philippe Catoire
Ennemi de : Shrek; Princesse Fiona; L'Âne
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Lord Farquaad was the tyrannical and ruthless ruler of Duloc, who yearned for a "perfect world" free of all things magical. He is voiced by John Lithgow, ...
Lord Farquaad is an evil tyrannical dictator who doesn't care about anyone but himself. However, despite being evil, he didn't see himself as a monster.
15 août 2024 · Welp, here we are returning with yet another Shrek video! Are you surprised? No neither am I... so after the video I did covering the icon ...
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Join Donkey and Shrek as they rescue Fiona from the evil ghost of Lord Farquaad and embark on a bone-chilling adventure.Join Donkey and Shrek as they rescue ...
8 mai 2024 · Shrek's main villain was Duloc's Lord Farquaad, who exiled all fairy tale creatures, but his hate for these characters wasn't explored.
11 avr. 2024 · Learn more about the background of Shrek's villain Lord Farquaad! Where does he come from? Who is actually Lord Farquaad?
Lord Farquaad is the villain of the animated film Shrek, known for his straight-banged haircut, diminutive stature, and imperious personality.
13 juil. 2022 · Lord Farquaad was the tyrannical and ruthless ruler of Duloc, who yearned for a "perfect world" free of all things magical.