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Fauchelevent was a business rival of Jean Valjean's. Due to the success of Valjean/Madeleine's business, Fauchelevenft was eventually driven to bankruptcy and took a job as a carter, being old and unmarried, with no children or other relations to rely on.
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Fauchelevent is an old man whose life Jean Valjean saves, even though Fauchelevent has spent the majority of his time badmouthing Valjean.
An old man named Father Fauchelevent had just fallen beneath his cart, his horse having tumbled down. This Fauchelevent was one of the few enemies whom M. ...
... Fauchelevent was able to bring in his "brother" Ultimas (fr. Ultime) Fauchelevent (the real name of Fauchelevent's deceased brother). Cosette was admitted ...
Fauchelevent est, actuellement le jardinier du couvent Petit-Picpus, un personnage du roman Les Misérables crée par Victor Hugo. Fauchelevent est un homme, ...
17 déc. 2023 · However on official death records and at his funeral would he be referred to as "Ultime Fauchelevent" after the name of the dead brother of ...
Vidéo pour "Fauchelevent"
11 nov. 2022 · Learn how to say and properly pronounce ''Fauchelevent'' in French with this free ...
Durée : 1:12
Postée : 11 nov. 2022
Fauchelevent is an old man who is saved by Jean Valjean of dying crushed under his fallen cart. Before this fact, he was one of the rare enemies Valjean ...
An old man named Father Fauchelevent had just fallen beneath his cart, his horse having tumbled down. This Fauchelevent was one of the few enemies whom M. ...
Fauchelevent offers to help Valjean find work as the convent's associate gardener. Valjean must first leave and reenter the convent, however, since the nuns ...