Résultats pour continuations
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Apprendre à prononcer con·tin·u·a·tion

the action of carrying something on over a period of time or the process of being carried on.
"the continuation of discussions about a permanent peace"
synonymes : carrying on, continuance, prolongation, protraction, maintenance, preservation, keeping up, perpetuation, resumption, reopening, restart, renewal, recommencement

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Continuations are useful for encoding other control mechanisms in programming languages such as exceptions, generators, coroutines, and so on. The "current ...


En informatique, la continuation d'un système est son futur, c'est-à-dire la suite des instructions qu'il lui reste à exécuter à un moment précis. C'est un point de vue pour décrire l'état de la machine. Wikipédia
28 août 2024 · 1. The act or fact of continuing in or the prolongation of a state or activity. 2. Resumption after an interruption. 3. Something that continues, increases, or ...
Continuations is a blog by Albert Wenger about technology, philosophy, society, and more. All content is creative commons licensed. Enjoy reading!
A continuation is a function that takes in the result of completed computations and then performs the remaining computations.
A continuation is a value that encapsulates a piece of an expression's evaluation context. The call-with-composable-continuation function captures the ...
31 oct. 2017 · Continuations provide a way for a program to make a branching decision at runtime, based on criteria not directly specified by the programmer.
The idea of continuations is to make this explicit by adding a continuation argument. Instead of returning the value, the function continues with the value.
Continuations are a programming technique that may be used directly by a programmer, or used in program transformations by a compiler. Because they make the ...
A continuation is an opaque representation of program state. To create a continuation in asynchronous code, call the withUnsafeContinuation(function:_:) or ...
A continuation is a function that is passed as a parameter to the main function and accumulates the computation needed to get the result. Remember that we used ...