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La glauconite est un minéral du groupe des silicates (sous-groupe des phyllosilicates, famille des micas). De composition (K,Na)(FeIII,Al,Mg)2[(Si,Al ...
Autres questions
Comment se forme la glauconite ?
Comment identifier la glauconite ?
La glauconite est-elle une crotte de poisson ?
La glauconite contient-elle de l’arsenic ?
Glauconite is an iron potassium phyllosilicate (mica group) mineral of characteristic green color which is very friable and has very low weathering ...
Composé chimique
La glauconite est un minéral du groupe des silicates. De composition (Feᴵᴵᴵ, Al, Mg)₂[(Si, Al, Feᴵᴵᴵ)₄O₁₀](OH)₂ avec des traces de Ti, Ca et P, c'est le principal composant de la roche glauconie.
Certaines roches sédimentaires ont une teinte verte... Wikipédia
Densité : 2,4 - 2,95
Classification : Minéral
Classe cristalline et groupe d'espace : Prismatique; C 2/m
Couleur : glauque: bleu-vert, verte, jaune-vert
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Typically found as rounded aggregates or "pellets" of very fine grained scaly clay particles, having a blue-green to yellow-green or grey-green color. True ...
Glauconite is an authigenic mineral that forms through the transition of clay minerals in the sea or by direct precipitation from seawater.
Glauconite is abundant only in sea-floor areas that are isolated from large supplies of land-derived sediment.
19 oct. 2023 · Offshore wind developers are encountering an unexpected challenge on the East Coast seafloor: a crushable, green mineral called glauconite.
Glauconite is an iron potassium phyllosilicate (mica group) mineral. Normally, glauconite is considered a diagnostic mineral indicative of continental shelf ...
Glauconite Crystallography, Physical Properties of Glauconite, Optical Properties of Glauconite, Calculated Properties of Glauconite.
Mineral glauconite is believed to form by the progressive absorption of potassium and iron by a degraded layer silicate lattice of low lattice charge and ...
a mineral consisting of a dull green earthy iron potassium silicate occurring in greensand; glauconitic ˌglȯ-kə-ˈni-tik adjective