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Le genre Quassia regroupe des plantes dicotylédones de la famille des Simaroubaceae. Sa circonscription est discutée : probablement ne comprend-il qu'une ...
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Que fait Quassia pour le corps ?
Quassia est-il sûr ?
Où est Quassia ?
Comment utiliser la poudre de Quassia ?
Quassia is a plant genus in the family Simaroubaceae. Its size is disputed; some botanists treat it as consisting of only one species, Quassia amara from ...
Quassia may be used as a decoction to treat digestive problems. This bitter herb is a good friend to have to fight intestinal problems.
La famille des Simaroubaceae regroupe des plantes dicotylédones. Sa circonscription est très discutée. Selon Watson & Dallwitz elle comprend 50 espèces réparties en une vingtaine de genres.
Ce sont des arbustes et des arbres, aux terpénoïdes... Wikipédia
Nom scientifique : Simaroubaceae
Classification supérieure : Sapindales
The meaning of QUASSIA is a drug from the heartwood and bark of various tropical trees of the ailanthus family used especially as a bitter tonic and remedy ...
Quassia is a plant. The wood and sometimes the leaf are used as medicine. People use quassia for stomach and intestinal problems, diabetes, lice, ...
Quassia Alcohol-Free Liquid Extract, Quassia (Quassia Amara) Dried Bark Glycerite Natural Herbal Supplement, Hawaii Pharm, USA 2 fl.oz.
11 déc. 2023 · Quassia has been used as an insecticide. Traditional use includes remedies for infestations of lice or worms, anorexia, and dyspepsia.
Quassia is used for treating an eating disorder called anorexia, indigestion, constipation, and fever. It is also used to rid the intestines of various kinds of ...
2,90 $US En stock
Quassia est un arbuste à fleurs que l'on trouve dans les zones tropicales, comme le Venezuela, le Brésil, le Costa Rica et le Pérou.
5,00 $US
The key chemical component of the resin is an amalgam known as quassin, which is said to be an effective insecticide. Apart from being a potent insecticide, ...