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Quichua people may refer to any of the indigenous peoples of South America who speak the Quechua languages, which originated among the Indigenous people of ...
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What is the difference between Quechua and quichua?
Who are the Quichua people in Ecuador?
What country speaks Quechua?
What is the religion of the Quechua?
Quechuas (Quechua people)
Groupe ethnique
Les Quechuas, Quichuas, Kichuas, Kichwas ou Kechuas, sont un groupe de peuples autochtones d'Amérique du Sud qui forment la plus nombreuse des familles ethnolinguistiques autochtones : le groupe de langues quechua. Wikipédia
Ethnies liées : Aymaras
Langues : Quechua, espagnol
Religions : Religion traditionnelle, catholicisme et protestantisme (minoritaire)
The Quichuas are considered to be the most populous Amerindian ethnic group in the beautiful country of Ecuador.
Quichua people are arguably the single largest indigenous people in the world. They are known for their important contributions to architecture and elaborate ...
With a population of around 2.5 million, the indigenous Quichua people of northwestern South America are the largest of any indigenous population group in ...
The Quijos-Quichua (Napo-Quichua) are a Lowland Quechua (Runa Shimi) people, living in the basins of the Napo, Aguarico, San Miguel, and Putumayo river ...
Quichua Indians, formerly the dominant people of the Empire of Peru, and still the largest homogeneous body of Indians in existence, constituting the bulk of ...
The modern Quichua is of medium height with a large chest, dark-brown skin, and well-marked features. They are hard working and strong; they live long, healthy ...
Quichua [ keech-wah, -wuh ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA noun , plural Quich·uas, (especially collectively) Quich·ua.
The meaning of QUICHUA is variant of quechua.