IP VPN (Internet Protocol Virtual Private Network) : VPN est l'abréviation de "Virtual Private [...] Network".
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People also ask
How do you say VPN in French?
What is a virtual private network also called?
What is the French word network?
What is a synonym for virtual private network?
A section of a website with limited access, basically an intranet. Only, the word *intranet* exists in French and is not used here.
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A virtual private network, or VPN, is an encrypted connection over the Internet from a device to a network.
Meanings of "vpn virtual private network" in French English Dictionary : 1 result(s) ; 1, Computer Science, vpn virtual private network ˇ réseau privé virtuel ...
Get a secure virtual private network to transport information and simplify the convergence of communication tools between all your remote sites.
A virtual network built on top of existing networks that can provide a secure communications mechanism for data and IP information transmitted between networks.
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VPN stands for "Virtual Private Network" and describes the opportunity to establish a protected network connection when using public networks.
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Jul 28, 2023 ˇ Virtual private networks can allow you to watch TV from your home country while in France. A VPN can mask your location by routing through a server in another ...