Jul 22, 2014 ˇ You might be facing this issue due to several reasons like corrupted Windows Store app, if the Store Cache is not cleared and if there is any ...
Aug 2, 2023 ˇ Invalid criteria suggests it's your search query. Try removing terms until it stops giving you the error. Then it might be the formatting of ...
Aug 29, 2023 ˇ The file is in the wrong format. 0x80240032, WU_E_INVALID_CRITERIA, The search criteria string was invalid. 0x80240033, WU_E_EULA_UNAVAILABLE ...
Aug 13, 2019 ˇ Use the System Update Readiness Tool or the DISM tool to fix problems that prevent Windows Update from installing successfully.
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I tried using $Updates = @($UpdateSearcher.Search("IsMandatory=0").Updates) but it throws OperationStopped: 0x80240032 error. Thanks in advance. Sorry ...
Jun 12, 2019 ˇ 1809 17763.503 error (0x80240032) HP Pavilion Desktop 590-p0xxx. When I try to do an update the error above shows.
Error code 0x80246002 can be due to Windows Defender not being able to update, SoftwareDistribution folder being corrupt or even an overloaded Microsoft server.
Jun 16, 2021 ˇ I'm struggeling with a Windows Server 2012R2. It isn't possible to install updates on this installation anymore. Every attempt fails with code 80070032.
Mar 11, 2024 ˇ 0x80240032, -2145124302, WU_E_INVALID_CRITERIA, invalid criteria string. 0x80240033, -2145124301, WU_E_EULA_UNAVAILABLE, EULA download failure.
0x80240031 { 'WU_E_INVALID_FILE', 'The file is in the wrong format.' } 0x80240032 { 'WU_E_INVALID_CRITERIA', 'The search criteria string was invalid.' }.