Dr. Manhattan can now see the scope of the damage he's done to the cosmic orderÑbut is there a way to repair it? And what incident from his own past holds the key to understanding where he went wrong?
Has he left footprints on the face of time itself, and what awe-inspiring responsibility has he entrusted to Ozymandias, of all people? This book contains upside-down and sideways pages.
DOOMSDAY CLOCK rassemble dans un seul album la saga qui lève le voile sur le mystère de DC UNIVERS REBIRTH et sur les modifications apportées par le Docteur Manhattan à l'histoire de ses héros.
Discover what happened before WATCHMEN as writer J. Michael Straczynski is joined by Andy Kubert and the legendary Joe Kubert to take flight with the gadget-savvy vigilante known as Nite Owl!
De nombreuses créatures mythiques peuplent les légendes, les contes et les traditions du monde entier : dragons, sirènes, géants, zombies, fées, demi-dieux .