This book summarizes experiences to date on the extent and nature of decentralization and its outcomes - most of which suggest an underperformance of governance reforms - and explores the viability of different governance instruments in the ...
Provides a pan-African synthesis of community-based natural resource management (CBNRM), drawing on multiple authors and a wide range of documented experiences from Southern, Eastern, Western and Central Africa.
... commune de Wickersheim devient Wic- kersheim - Wilshausen par l'arrêté pré- fectoral du 27.12.1972 ( J.0 . du 28.01 . 1973 ) . Par ce même arrêté la commune de Wilshausen est rattachée à celle de Wickersheim - Wilshausen . Statistiques ...
The United States' failure to educate its students leaves them unprepared to compete and threatens the country's ability to thrive in a global economy and maintain its leadership role.
In its 2009 report, Beyond the HIPAA Privacy Rule: Enhancing Privacy, Improving Health Through Research, the Institute of Medicine's Committee on Health Research and the Privacy of Health Information concludes that the HIPAA Privacy Rule ...
This is the basis for this book adopting an 'evidence-based approach', modelled on the systematic reviews used in health sciences and now being applied to many policy arenas.
"Moravian Women's Memoirs is made up of the autobiographical writings of thirty of the women who lived in the major North American Moravian settlement of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, at varying points in the eighteenth century.
These developments are recounted in this book, with detailed attention to the ways in which plants, animals, soil, climate, and society have interacted.
All of us can take some important lessons from this book about how people's mentalities change when they have power and knowledge to cope with a problem.