In vista del suo sconvolgente finale, la saga fantasy urban di Jacopo Camagni (Deadpool The Duck, Captain Marvel, Groucho) e Marco B. Bucci (Saetta Rossa, Memento Mori, Simulacri) accelera il passo e travolge.
E mentre personaggi vecchi e nuovi cercano di dare un senso a questo folle mondo, una domanda tra mille troverà risposta: cosa è successo a Becky Kumar? [L’universo narrativo di Jacopo Camagni (Deadpool The Duck, Strikeforce, Groucho) e ...
From writer and RPG creator Marco B. Bucci (Magna Veritas, Memento Mori) and artist Jacopo Camagni (X-Men Blue, Deadpool the Duck, Strikeforce) comes the tale of witchcraft and secrets that rewrites the rules of urban fantasy.
Marco B. Bucci (Memento Mori, Journey to Ragnarok, Saetta Rossa) et Jacopo Camagni (Deadpool The Duck, Captain Marvel, The Old Guard Tales Through Time) nous entraînent dans le deuxième chapitre de leur saga d'urban fantasy pour lever le ...
This is it: the final chapter in MARCO B. BUCCI and JACOPO CAMAGNI'S urban-fantasy opus is here and it's as shocking and ruthless and as you would expect.