It is a root vegetable, cultivated and used worldwide as a spice and as a condiment. The species is probably native to Southeastern Europe and Western Asia.
Raifort is a character in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. She serves as the history teacher of Naranja Academy S /Uva Academy V.
People also ask
What is Armoracia rusticana used for?
Who should not eat horseradish?
What does horseradish root do for the body?
How invasive is horseradish?
Armoracia. Species: Armoracia rusticana P.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb. Common name(s). Horseradish; Great Raifort; Mountain Radish; Red Cole; Common Horseradish ...
Armoracia rusticana (horseradish) appears to have entered cultivation relatively recently, perhaps less than 2,000 years ago. It was primarily a medicinal plant ...
Brassicaceae; Armoracia; Armoracia rusticana. Taxon Names. Approved Names. Horseradish. Common Names. Barba Forte. Cran.
Introduction to Armoracia rusticana (Raifort rustique): scientific and common names, protected status (red lists, regulations), biological status in France, ...
Raifort in French: Raifort rustique, Raifort, Cranson rustique, Moutarde des capucins, Grand raifort in French: Rantatädyke in Finnish: Rohtotädyke in Finnish ...
The name of this edible perennial comes from the old French, rais fors meaning “strong root” in reference to the pungent but fine taste of its vigorous taproot.
Armoracia rusticana (horseradish) | CABI Compendium › doi › cabicompendium
Nov 19, 2019 · Horseradish is a temperate, erect, glabrous, perennial herbaceous plant mostly grown as an annual. It is a winter-hardy herb that grows 40-50 cm high in ...
Armoracia rusticana P.G.Gaertner, B.Meyer & Scherbius ... comm.) vernacular names. horseradish In English. common horseradish In English. raifort In French.