... Japiassú, Carlos Eduardo Adriano. Desafios Contemporâneos da Execução Penal no Brasil. Revista Eletrônica de Direito Penal. AIDP-GB. Ano 1. Vol. 1. N° 01. junho de 2013. Ademais, muito se tem relacionado o aumento expressivo do contingente.
This book examines the regulatory rules on public procurement in selected African countries and provides a comparative analysis of key regulatory issues.
The Handbook of Electoral System Choice addresses the theoretical and comparative issues of electoral reform in relation to democratization, political strategies in established democracies and the relative performance of different electoral ...
This is no mean feat and the logic works. . . Stephen Bell, The Australian Journal of Public Administration Everyone who is puzzled by modern regulocracy should read this book.
This handbook is designed as a 'how-to' manual that guides practitioners as they grapple with the strategic, organizational, investigative, and legal challenges of recovering assets that have been stolen by corrupt leaders and hidden abroad ...
This book addresses several issues concerning the reasons, objectives and scope of national and supranational strategies targeting criminal money, as well as the concrete modalities to overcome its obstacles.