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Accompanying DVD-ROM (i.e.: hybrid DVD-Video/DVD-ROM) contains ... "dynamic application of DVD technology with samples from Dolby, DTS, THX, IMAX, Joe Kane Productions, Microsoft, Widescreen Review, and others, plus audio/video tests, ...
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... Blu-ray player? As Janko Roettgers discovered: People don't necessarily buy Blu-ray players for the discs, but to ... speed of light itself—because the landscape of both life and technology is constantly changing. The platform that ...
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Blu-ray Disc Demystified provides: Detailed overview of Blu-ray technology In-depth coverage of formats, features, and applications The latest news on content protection Tips on using Blu-ray in the home, office, and school The facts behind ...
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... speed and performance needs of serious professional photographers. Ideal for demanding photo shoots under severe ... Blu-ray player that is code free. I plan on moving to Australia in a year or so, but I would like to be able to ...
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Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
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With this 1hourbook, you'll have an extensive overview of the selected topic in almost no time. This is the basic idea of the 1hourbook series. 1hourbook is only available as an eBook and it is optimized for eBook readers.
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Get the information you need--fast! This all-embracing guide offers a thorough view of key knowledge and detailed insight. This Guide introduces what you want to know about Blu-ray.
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Written by experts in the field, this book contains detailed explanation of Blu-ray disc production and authoring processes.