bastien vialla from
... Bastien Vialla, and Sauro Vicini Workshop on Privacy Challenges in Public and Private Organizations . . . Alessandra Bagnato, Paulo Silva, Ala Sarah Alaqra, and Orhan Ermis . . . News Diversity and Recommendation Systems: Setting the ...
bastien vialla from
... Bastien Vialla, Sauro Vicini, and Philippe Wolf. 6.7. References Aguilar-Melchor, C., Gaborit, P., Herranz, J. (2008). Additively homomorphic encryption with d-operand multiplications. Report, Cryptology ePrint Archive [Online] ...
bastien vialla from
... Bastien Vialla Karine Villegas Qingju Wang Friedrich Wiemer Alexander Wild Jong-Shian Wu Shang-Yi Yang Takanori Yasuda Jens Zumbrägel Organization IX.
bastien vialla from
... 1 Abstract. There has been great progress regarding efficient implemen- tations of fully homomorphic encryption schemes since the first construc- tion by Gentry. However, evaluating complex circuits is still ...
bastien vialla from
... Bastien Vialla swMATH – An Information Service for Mathematical Software Gert-Martin Greuel and Wolfram Sperber ........ 691 MathLibre: Modifiable Desktop Environment for Mathematics Tatsuyoshi Hamada ......... 702 Software Packages for ...
bastien vialla from
... Bastien Vialla, Sauro Vicini, et Philippe Wolf. 6.7. Bibliographie Aguilar-Melchor, C., Gaborit, P., Herranz, J. (2008). Additively homomorphic encryption with d-operand multiplications. Rapport, Cryptology ePrint Archive [En ligne] ...
bastien vialla from
This book contains selected papers presented at the 15th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.6/SIG 9.2.2 International Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management, held in Maribor, Slovenia, in September 2020.* The 13 full papers included in ...
bastien vialla from
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mathematical Software, ICMS 2020, held in Braunschweig, Germany, in July 2020.
bastien vialla from
This book contains selected papers presented at the 14th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.6/SIG 9.2.2 International Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management, held in Windisch, Switzerland, in August 2019.
bastien vialla from
... VIALLA ( A. J. ) * . Lieutenants . ABEL ( J. P. ) . AULANIER ( A. F. J. ) . BALLAGNY ( L. C. ) . BASTIEN ( L. C. ) * . BEDOUET ( M. B. ) . BELLANGER ( J. H. F. ) . BENET DE MONTCARVILLE ( L. M. E. ) . BIZET ( E. H. ) . DE BONI ( F. J. ) ...