Including results for distributeur film adhesive
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Adhesive films vary in weight, thickness, color, and supportive scrim types in order to meet temperature and application needs.
Missing: distributeur adhesif
PolymerFilms is a top provider of adhesive film products, partnering with industry leaders like 3M and Orafol. Their high-quality films ensure strong and long- ...
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FM94K06PSF-36IN ADHESIVE FILM available at Click here to Buy Now!
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We have more than 85 years of technical expertise offering the best in plastic films and adhesives supporting the graphics, digital, and industrial markets.
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Budnick provides adhesive tape and converting expertise to industrial distributors that have broader product lines, larger sales forces and extensive ...
Missing: distributeur adhesif
As a leading distributor of window and architectural films for commercial, residential and automotive applications, we are dedicated to bringing innovation ...
Missing: distributeur adhesif
Distributeur de produits destinés à la communication visuelle: films adhésifs, bâches, papiers affiches, systèmes d'affichage, décoration et films textiles.
Tekra is a full-service film and adhesives distributor offering Mylar® and Melinex® PET and Kaladex® PEN brands from Mylar® Specialty Films (formerly DuPont ...
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Notre film adhésif pour fenêtre est conçu avec précision pour offrir une installation facile et sans tracas. Votre fournisseur de film depuis 35 ans.
Pontacol adhesive films were developed specifically for this purpose and have the advantage of ensuring uniform force distribution, thus opening additional ...
Missing: distributeur adhesif