other 33 Die X. Maii . IN FESTO S ANTONINI ARCHIEPISCOPI FLORENT . Et Confefforis Ordinis Pra dicatorum . Semiduplex ad libitum . Omnia de communi Confefforis , Pontificis , pratex Orationem , & Le & tiones , quæ fequuntur , Oratio . IN ...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
... FLORENT , who throws her a threatening glance . ) Love , m'sieu ! ( They all drink and FLORENT sets his cup down with a click . ) FLORENT Now to bed , Madame Florent . ( He gets up and crosses to the chair on which he has deposited his ...
BEST PERSONALIZED ARTIST SKETCHBOOK W ITH NAME Easy to use sketchbook with blank pages with enough space for creative sketching, doodling, drawing, painting.
... Florent Schmitt a été à l'orée de notre xxe siècle , le plus hardi , le plus génial novateur se tenant à égale distance de l'influence de Wagner et de celle de Debussy , il donne en 1906 le Psaume ; or , l'Ariane de Dukas est de 1907 ...
With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Émile Zola’s The Fat and the Thin is a classic work of French literature reimagined for modern readers.