Through original documents, objects and works of art, the exhibition explores the role of sport, its social and popular practices and its socio-political issues ...
Le Frac Ile-de-France (Fonds régional d'art contemporain) : Le Plateau, Les Réserves, la collection, les publics, les actions hors-les-murs.
The Frac Île-de-France promotes and supports contemporary art and artists through the production of works and the development of a public collection of ...
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FRAC Île-de-France, Le Plateau, is a contemporary art center located in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, France. More from Frac Île-de-France.
Located in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, Le Plateau is one of the exhibition spaces of the Frac (Fonds régional d'art contemporain / Regional ...
fonds régional d'art contemporain le plateau, paris les réserves, romainville hors les murs #fraciledefrance ... Photo shared by Fondation Fiminco on September 17 ...
FRAC - Ile-de-France - Le Plateau is a 22 year old Public Institution showing mostly Installation Art with a focus on Conceptual Art.