Hinduism is a minority religion in France that is followed by more than 121,312 people in France, which is nearly 0.2% of the nation's population.
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La population est la quatrième en importance en Europe, après ceux du Royaume-Uni, des Pays-Bas et de l'Italie.
Hindouisme une introduction aux croyances et aux rituels (French) ; Language. English ; Publisher. FRANCAIS ; Publication date. January 1, 2012 ; ISBN-10.
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L HINDOUISME FRENCH ; Language. English ; Publisher. HERITAGE PUBLISHERS ; Publication date. January 1, 2012 ; ISBN-10. 8192229319 ; ISBN-13. 978-8192229317.
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Jul 22, 2014 · Many. Hindus from the overseas territories come to mainland France and participate in the religious activities, especially the Tamils from ...
Since the 1980s, refugees from Sri Lanka have been living in France and make up the largest Hindu group. In recent years this migration, and more generally ...
Toute l'actualité Hindouisme sur Radio France. Podcasts à écouter gratuitement en ligne et depuis l'application, avec les dernières actualités et débats.
Specifications ; Publisher. FLAMMARION (�DITIONS) ; Book Format. Paperback ; Original Languages. French ; Author. MADELEINE BIARDEAU.
“hindouisme”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language] , 2012.
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3 days ago · British English: Hindu /ˈhɪnduː; hɪnˈduː/ ADJECTIVE Hindu is used to describe things that belong or relate to Hinduism.