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"inauthor: Pierre Brisson" sur
A Journal of Art and Actuality. Cameo . By J. T. Grein . Criticisms in AUTHOR ... Pierre Wolff's Théâtre de la Terreur . He literally acted in cold sweat ... Brisson to be the holder of that hand . For he is the idol of the fair , and ...
"inauthor: Pierre Brisson" sur
... Pierre Salinger , " Memorandum for The Record , " May 25 , 1962 , " White House 3-1 , Acquisitions , " box 1006 ... Brisson , Aug. 13 , 1976 , for the work of the appointments secretary , author's collection ; Sheila Rabb ...
"inauthor: Pierre Brisson" sur
... Pierre , author of " Paul et while comedy reached its highest pitch with Molière , Virginie ; " St. Simon , whose ... Brisson , Vicq search . The elegant and accomplished Villemain , d'Azyr , Jussien in botany , and Saussure in ...