"inauthor:"Robert Anderson"" sur
He was one of the most popular lay preachers and Christian apologists of his day: Sir Robert Anderson devoutly believed that the Bible was the inerrant word of God, and in this popular 1881 book-a companion to his Daniel in the Critics' Den ...
"inauthor:"Robert Anderson"" sur
THE STORIES: As the New York Daily News briefly outlines: THE SHOCK OF RECOGNITION breaks in on a difference of opinion earnest young dramatist and...his matter-of-fact producer who doesn't like the opening moment of the play.
"inauthor:"Robert Anderson"" sur
Originally published in 1977 by Contemporary Books.
"inauthor:"Robert Anderson"" sur
This book belongs on the shelf of every pastor and layman intelligent in the study of the prophetic Word." (Dr. John F. Walvoord) "This is the ablest explanation of Daniel's seventy weeks and related subjects in existence.