Did you mean: piper concepciones
piper concepcionis from
... Piper concepcionis possesses the unusual thickening of the lamina - base of P. xanthostachyum and the purple - tinged spikes of P. subsessilifolium . Piper concepcionis may be the only piper in our flora that is solely scandent ...
piper concepcionis from
... Piper compactum Trelease , Contr . U. S. Nat . Herb . 26 : 131 . 1929. Cordoncillo . Near Santa María de Dota , 1,500-1,800 meters , Standley 41801. A dense shrub , 1.5-4.5 meters high , growing in hedges . Piper concepcionis Trelease ...
piper concepcionis from
... Piper scleromyelum C. DC . Anal . Inst . Fis . - Geogr . Costa Rica 9 : 167 ... concepcionis Trel . , sp . nov . A spreading or subrepent , essentially ... Piper arundinetorum Trel . , sp . nov . A weak subscandent glabrous shrub ...
piper concepcionis from
... Piper scleromyelum C. DC . Anal . Inst . Fis . - Geogr . Costa Rica 9 : 167 ... concepcionis Trel . , sp . nov . A spreading or subrepent , essentially ... Piper arundinetorum Trel . , sp . nov . A weak subscandent glabrous shrub ...
piper concepcionis from
... Piper scleromyelum C. DC . Anal . Inst . Fis . - Geogr . Costa Rica 9 : 167 ... concepcionis Trel . , sp . nov . A spreading or subrepent , essentially ... Piper arundinetorum Trel . , sp . nov . A weak subscandent glabrous shrub ...
piper concepcionis from
... Piper concepcionis has been reduced to synonymy here , as it is considered to be merely a broad - leaved form of P. subsessilifolium . It has the same type of leaf venation , and identical inflorescence charac- ters , notably purple or ...
piper concepcionis from
... concepcionis 0.14 0.08 1.6 ± 0.7 decurrens 0.06 0.03 1.3 ± 0.5 dolicotrichum 0.57 0.59 4.6 ± 3.7 friedrichsthallii 0.06 0 4.3 ± 2.6 ― " forest biggie " 0.33 0.27 3.3 ± 3.2 gargaranum 0.12 0.16 1.8 1.5 glabrescens 0.12 0.08 1.7 ± 1.1 ...