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... press for production . Without such a machine the usual practice has been to hold a press out of production for this work , the im- prints being made in the same manner by making a blue mark on one mem- ber , then registering the high ...
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... press for pro- duction . Without such a machine the usual practice has been to hold a press out of production for this work , the imprints being made in the same manner by making a blue mark on one mem- ber , then registering the high ...
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... Press Feeder on a 10 x 15 C & P press equip- ped with a Doyle - Allen Ink Distributor The Inland Printer The Leading Trade Journal of the World.
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... Press Operatives, Charge Hands, Foremen and Works Managers Concerned with the Produ Edward Molloy. Enginnewiarning 550020 TCK M732 виз [ rY ˘ kz { « 13 1s • 6928134 T PREFACE HE subject of Press Tool Work is one in which practical ...
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... Press . 44 in . Putnam Heavy Duty Vertical Boring Mill . 5 in . Betts No. 3 Horizontal Boring Mill . 24 in . x 24 in ... Press , equip- ped with 8 in . x % in . x 12 in . Hughes steam driven Hydraulic pump complete with clamps ...
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... press , has lent its cooperation to the end that these guards and their operat- ing mechanisms may be here presented in detail . It is felt that the description of some of these devices will lead to a still greater application of safety ...
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... press is to provide special tools for inserting the blanks and removing the finished pieces . Such instruments are pincers , picks , pneumatic or suc- tion tools , electro - magnets , etc. Although these devices are on the whole less ...
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... press , recently purchased , said , that he had just about press capacity sufficient to produce the editions in the allotted time , and that he was compelled to use apparatus with the least complication to permit of easy in- spection ...
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... press for pro- duction . Without such a machine the usual practice has been to hold a press out of production for this work , the imprints being made in the same manner by making a blue mark on one mem- ber , then registering the high ...
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... press was needed it was ordered to suit the job immediately in view and without any particular reference to existing press equip- ment . There resulted many press equipments including an unrelated collection of sizes and varieties ...