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... press for production . Without such a machine the usual practice has been to hold a press out of production for this work , the im- prints being made in the same manner by making a blue mark on one mem- ber , then registering the high ...
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... press for pro- duction . Without such a machine the usual practice has been to hold a press out of production for this work , the imprints being made in the same manner by making a blue mark on one mem- ber , then registering the high ...
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... press for pro- duction . Without such a machine the usual practice has been to hold a press out of production for this work , the imprints being made in the same manner by making a blue mark on one mem- ber , then registering the high ...
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... press equip- ment , when they were open , we had to very carefully adhere to the production schedule . You see , those tests were made on the production time in the plant . Q. And you used the regular printing methods that you used in ...
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... Press . DeLuca , Kevin Michael . 1999. Image Politics . New York : Guilford Press . Desai , Manisha . 2005. “ Transnationalism . ” International Social Science Journal 57 : 1468–2451 . Diamond , Elin . 1996. Introduction to Performance ...
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... Press Room Requirement Ale 庁 SS - M ་ The first Scott Unit press was an important advance in newspaper press construction . Two types of press have since been developed on the unit principle . The Scott " Multi- Unit " press provides ...
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... PRESS , 205 East 42nd St. , New York , NY 10017 . MSS WANTED BUSINESS Book Publisher seeks original manuscripts , pur- chase of rights for existing books & project proposals . Send corre- spondence to : Caddylack Pub- lishing , 60 ...
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... press is to provide special tools for inserting the blanks and removing the finished pieces . Such instruments are pincers , picks , pneumatic or suc- tion tools , electro - magnets , etc. Although these devices are on the whole less ...
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... press , recently purchased , said , that he had just about press capacity sufficient to produce the editions in the allotted time , and that he was compelled to use apparatus with the least complication to permit of easy in- spection ...
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... Press Drives eliminate delays when seconds count . Presses are acceler- ated smoothly , quickly , safely , and your ... Press Equip- ment assures efficiency and reliability which speed up any plant - cut costs . Shall we mail you ...