... restituas . Et RUDORFF ' , se basant sur cette conjecture , introduit , dans tous les interdits restitutoires et exhibitoires , les mots « antequam ex iure exeas >> qu'il place après le mot restituas ou exhibeas , conservé dans le ...
... restituas ( le ms . E restitutus , mais T restituas ) ante quam ex jure exeas . Cf. D. , 43 , 2 , 1 , pr . : Ait praetor : Quorum bonorum ex edicto meo illi possessio data est .... quodque dolo malo fecisti uti desineres possidere illi ...
... restituas . Item ne quid fiat , immittaturve , interdicam . Fr. 1. § 15. ( LXXI . ) Fr. 85. Quod vi aut clam factum est , qua de re agitur , id , quum experiundi potestas est , restituas . Fr. 1. pr . , Quod vi aut . clam . ( LXXI ...
... restituas . Item ne quid fiat , immittaturve , interdicam . d . L. 1 , § 15. ( LXXI . ) Fr. 85. Quod vi aut clam factum est , qua de re agitur , id , quum experiundi potestas est , restituas . L. 1. pr . , Quod vi aut clam . ( LXXI ...
... restituas appears in its terms . Restituas , therefore , must be used as meaning to give up , ' not ' to give back . ' The use of this interdict was to secure the possession to those whom the prætor treated as having a right to the ...
... restituas . ( D. xliii . 2. ) Although the interdict was only given when the bonorum possessor had never before had possession , yet it was said to be a restitutory one , and the word restituas appears in its terms . Restituas ...
... restituas appears in its terms . Restituas , therefore , must be used as meaning ' to give up , ' not to give back . ' The use of this interdict was to secure the possession to those whom the prætor treated as having a right to the ...
... restituas , ne habeat Bursa Plancus apud quem litteras discat . 3. Sed quid ago ? cum mihi sit incertum tranquillone sis animo an ut in bello in aliqua maiuscula cura negotiove versere , labor longius . Cum igitur mihi erit exploratum ...
... restituas - i , lictor , deliga ad palum . " 20 Exanimati omnes tam atroci imperio nec aliter quam in se quisque ... restituas- ) : ne Iac . Gronovius ( with full stop after restituas ) . 2 demerso M. Mueller ( D has uelud for ...
... restituas . ( D. xliii . 2. ) Although the interdict was only given when the bonorum possessor had never before had possession , yet it was said to be a restitutory one , and the word restituas appears in its terms . Restituas ...