Their Classification Portrayed Through the Artwork of Curtis's Botanical Magazine P. Halliday. RHODODENDRON VENATOR ... Rhododendron venator MARY MENDUM RHODODENDRON ARAIOPHYLLUM Subgenus Hymenanthes Section Ponticum page 166 PLATE 76.
Richard Milne. Rhododendron praevernum, a species whose DNA shows a signature of ancient hybridization between two ... Rhododendron species along the way, including venator, exasperatum, auritum and pemakoense.73 Among his later ...
... Rhododendron venator has not often been visited or collected in the wild . It has a limited distribution deep in the Tsangpo gorge in South - East Xizang ( formerly Tibet ) , where it is found in scrubby , swampy thickets and clinging ...