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viseu jean-philippe nanterre from
Greek and Roman Festivals addresses the multi-faceted and complex nature of Greco-Roman festivals and analyses the connections that existed between them, as religious and social phenomena, and the historical dynamics that shaped them.
viseu jean-philippe nanterre from
... Philippe d'Orléans , 1661 ; m . se IX , 1214 ; m . 1217. - II , dit comte de Transtamare , fils nat . d'Alphonse XI ; détrôna Pierre le Cruel , roi de Castille , 1368 ; m . 1379. III , dit l'Infirme , fils et succ . de Jean ... Viseu , 4 ...
viseu jean-philippe nanterre from
... J. - Arm . ) , Henriette d'Angleterre , du- présid . du trib . révolutionn . N. chesse d'Orléans , fille de la pré - St - Pol ( Artois ) , 1750 ; m . sur céd . N. Exeter , 1644 ; mariée à l'échaf . , 1795 . Philippe d'Orléans , 1661 ; m ...
viseu jean-philippe nanterre from
La 4e de couverture indique : "the first written history of the pioneering women born between the Renaissance and 1913 who played significant roles in the history of classical scholarship."
viseu jean-philippe nanterre from
... J.-C. Herman ( Marial - J. - Arm . ) , Henriette d'Angleterre , du- présid . du trib . révolutionn , N. chesse d'Orléans , fille de la pré - St - Pol ( Artois ) , 1750 ; m . sur céd . N. Exeter , 1644 ; mariée à l'échaf . , 1795 . Philippe ...
viseu jean-philippe nanterre from
... Philippe d'Orléans , 1661 ; m . 1670 . oriental . , memb . de l'acad . des ingen . M. 1640 , ( F. ) , antiq ... Nanterre , 1761 ; m . Henriquez ( H. ) , jés . portug . , sur l'échaf . , Paris , 1794 . oriental . , missionn . aux ...
viseu jean-philippe nanterre from
This book is a collection of papers by clinicians united in their conviction about the importance of directly engaging and interacting with the baby in the presence of the parents whenever possible.
viseu jean-philippe nanterre from
The essays in this volume, which include chapters by historian Bruce Cumings, feminist scholar Susan Jeffords, and cultural critic John Mowitt, explore three dimensions connecting Orientalism and war.