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subject:"Alps" from
Die Alpen gelten mindestens seit Jean-Jacques Rousseau als Verkorperung der Natur und damit als Gegenpol der Zivilisation - Grund genug, um die Geschichte dieser europaischen Gebirgsregion kaum wahrzunehmen bzw. den sechs Nationalstaaten zu ...
subject:"Alps" from
Bergsteigen eignet sich für die wandelbare Projektion von Gemeinschaftssehnsüchten und für hart umkämpfte Entwürfe von Identität, die auf vielfältige Weise in den Geschlechtergegensatz verstrickt sind.
subject:"Alps" from
The classic story of the orphaned Heidi who lives with her gruff but loving grandfather on the side of a mountain in Switzerland.
subject:"Alps" from
Alpe so eno najbolj občutljivih območij v Evropi.
subject:"Alps" from
Published in 1894, this is a revised collection of articles, sharing the author's long-standing passion for the Alps and alpinism.
subject:"Alps" from
The Alps are Europe's highest mountain range: their broad arc stretches right across the center of the continent, encompassing a wide range of traditions and cultures.
subject:"Alps" from
Edition originale du premier voyage illustré de Rodolphe Töpffer
subject:"Alps" from
Although climate change is a global problem, there is growing recognition of the need to look at its regional manifestations and management. This book takes such an approach to the Alpine region.
subject:"Alps" from
***Angaben zur beteiligten Person Rudigier: Andreas Rudigier ist Direktor des vorarlberg museums in Bregenz.
subject:"Alps" from
Mosso suggested the respiratory symptoms produced at high altitudes were due to lack of carbon dioxide. He made important investigations of respiration at high altitudes.
subject:"Alps" from
Set in mundane, repressed middle-class environments, these tales pivot on terrible slips off the leash.
subject:"Alps" from
Alps, alpine landscape, alpine landuse, alpine economy, alpine cultural history.
subject:"Alps" from
Description of glaciers in Norway as seen by author during 1851 visit. Also discusses excursions in high alps of Dauphine, Berne, and Savoy.
subject:"Alps" from
A Swiss orphan is heartbroken when she must leave her beloved grandfather and their happy home in the Swiss Alps to go to school and to care for an invalid girl in the city.
subject:"Alps" from
This is a translation of the Dutch title: De vormen van water in den toestand van wolken, rivieren, ijs en gletschers.
subject:"Alps" from
The story of the children of Hinterwald, a small village in the Alps.
subject:"Alps" from
Concerne en partie le Valais: Col du Simplon, Finsteraarhorn, Matterhorn, Plaine Morte, Weisshorn, Zermatt, etc.
subject:"Alps" from
Canton de Vaud: p. 481-502. Plaine et bataille de Grandson : p. 95-99
subject:"Alps" from
Analyse: Etude de la littérature puis de la peinture alpestres, dont l'intérêt pour leur sujet, les Alpes, ne date que de la fin du XVIIIe siècle.
subject:"Alps" from
Enthält u. a. Fotos über das Wallis.
subject:"Alps" from
Featuring a new Afterword, this is the spectacular story of the 1991 discovery of a Stone Age man in the Alps, a lonely frozen figure who offers clues about the world of 3000 B.C. 33 halftones.
subject:"Alps" from
Le glaciologue Amédée Zryd situe les développements d'aujourd'hui dans une perspective géologique, rendue plus précise par les carottes récemment extraites des régions arctiques.
subject:"Alps" from
Elisa-Genny Fornachon, épouse de Paul-Emile Engel et mère de Claire-Eliane Engel: originaire du canton de Neuchâtel.