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subject:"Ghana" from
Citing a paucity of empirical evidence on the poverty and distributional impacts of trade policy reform in Ghana as the main motivation for this volume, the editors (both of the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research at the ...
subject:"Ghana" from
Mapping Ghana's struggle to transform its economy after independence, this original interpretation highlights the economic difficulties associated with the political legacies of colonialism.
subject:"Ghana" from
This edition reveals how an Oxford educated lawyer rose to become Ghana's Deputy Foreign Minister at 30; his later emergence as leader of the opposition; and his subsequent election in 2000 as the first President for the conservative New ...
subject:"Ghana" from
Can anybody tell us why profound poverty continues to plague our nation of barely 25 million people in this modern era of globalization in 2012?
subject:"Ghana" from
Considering the literary habits - production, reception, selection - in a colonial Ghana, this study provides empirical and statistical data of how colonial literature is absorbed - and coins the new term paracolonial to better describe the ...
subject:"Ghana" from
A fascinating literary, social, and cultural history of colonial Ghana, Literary Culture in Colonial Ghana sheds new light on understandings of the African colonial experience and the development of postcolonial cultures in West Africa.
subject:"Ghana" from
A fascinating literary, social, and cultural history of colonial Ghana, Literary Culture in Colonial Ghana sheds new light on understandings of the African colonial experience and the development of postcolonial cultures in West Africa.
subject:"Ghana" from
The report focuses on formal and informal technical and vocational education and training (TVET) at the pre-tertiary level in Ghana.
subject:"Ghana" from
Soldiers rebel when leaders attempt to build or dismantle ethnic armies, posing a deep challenge to contemporary democratization efforts.
subject:"Ghana" from
Ghana's cocoa production declined because of policies that overvalued the domestic currency and heavily taxed cocoa exports.
subject:"Ghana" from
In her study of domestic organization in Gonja, Esther Goody has concentrated on tracing the interrelationships between political and domestic institutions in a bilateral kinship system.
subject:"Ghana" from
"--Jacket. "This is a splendid book about a great man. It is full of lessons for all of us as we continue to struggle worldwide with issues of race and of the role of intellectuals as policy advisors.
subject:"Ghana" from
AFRICAN TIME In this wide-ranging collection of essays, Lord Mawuko-Yevugah explores the challenges of political reform and democratic governance in Africa at the beginning of the 21st century, focusing largely on Ghana's experience.
subject:"Ghana" from
This volume examines the place of Islam in Ghanaian society, with particular attention to the role of the dominant orthodox' Tijyniyya tradition, and its relation to newer groups which have become increasingly prominent since 1950.
subject:"Ghana" from
The Deliverer was received a Burt Award for African Literature 2010.
subject:"Ghana" from
Explores the political impacts of ethnic diversity and the growth of the middle class in urban Africa.
subject:"Ghana" from
The book is aimed at students and scholars of conflict, Africa, ethnic politics, and religion.
subject:"Ghana" from
In this first full-length examination of the political economy of adjustment in Ghana, Jeffrey Herbst describes the causes of Ghana's dramatic economic decline and reviews the politics of reform that began in 1983.
subject:"Ghana" from
In this first full-length examination of the political economy of adjustment in Ghana, Jeffrey Herbst describes the causes of Ghana's dramatic economic decline and reviews the politics of reform that began in 1983.
subject:"Ghana" from
This book was awarded a Burt Award for African Literature, Ghana 2010.
subject:"Ghana" from
Through detailed case studies of decentralisation policies in five sub-Saharan African countries - Botswana, Cameroon, Ghana, Mozambique and Tanzania - this book examines the challenges presented, lessons learned, and recommends ways to ...
subject:"Ghana" from
CLOSING THE BOOKS comprises a compilation of the official reports that the last Danish Governor sent home during his term of office at the Gold Coast.
subject:"Ghana" from
Written by Africa expert Philip Briggs, it provides unrivalled detail and knowledge of this little-visited nation. This sixth edition is the first time the book has been updated by the original author since the 3rd edition.
subject:"Ghana" from
The author served in the Gold Coast Regiment of the British Army during World War II and as a colonial administrator in the Gold Coast (now Ghana), later staying on to work the incoming Nkrumah government after independence.
subject:"Ghana" from
This volume assesses the challenges facing Ghana's economy as it enters its seventh decade and the nation heads towards three quarters of a century of independence.
subject:"Ghana" from
Lorsque le lieutenant d'aviation Jerry Rawlings prit le pouvoir à la suite du coup d'Etat du 31 décembre 1981, l'Etat ghanéen était en situation de banqueroute avancée et incapable d'assumer ses fonctions primaires de souveraineté.
subject:"Ghana" from
Presenting the first database of constitutional design in all African countries, and seven original case studies, Constitutions and Conflict Management in Africa explores the types of domestic political institutions that can buffer ...
subject:"Ghana" from
In Lucht's capable hands, these stories become an allegory of our times.” --Michael Jackson, author of Life Within Limits: Well-Being in a World of Want.
subject:"Ghana" from
Drawing from field research in Cameroon, Ghana, Vietnam, and the Amazon forests of Brazil, Bolivia, and Peru, this book explores the relationship between gender and land, revealing the workings of global capital and of people's responses to ...
subject:"Ghana" from
The story, too, of Ghana's dynamic leader, Kwame Nkrumah—greatest living African. Here is Ghana. Past, present—and future. The author himself was eye-witness to the stirring events of Independence Day which he so vividly recounts.
subject:"Ghana" from
An innovative study of labor relations, particularly the interactions of recruitment agents and migrant workers, in the mining concessions of Wassa, Gold Coast Colony, 1879 to 1909.
subject:"Ghana" from
Le sentiment d’appartenance à l’Afrique a largement été envisagé à partir d’expériences afro-diasporiques, en particulier américaines.
subject:"Ghana" from
Routes of Remembrance tackles these questions by analyzing the slave trade’s absence from public versions of coastal Ghanaian family and community histories, its troubled presentation in the country’s classrooms and nationalist ...
subject:"Ghana" from
No detailed description available for "Urban Planning in a World of Informal Politics".
subject:"Ghana" from
This is a study of the changing rules and relationships within which natural, human and man-made resources were mobilized for production during the development of an agricultural export economy in Asante, a major West African kingdom which ...
subject:"Ghana" from
Emeritus Professor Canon John Samuel Pobee's work The Anglican Story in Ghana is the only published full length monograph of Ghanaian Anglicanism since Church of England missionaries first set foot on the soils of the then Gold Coast in the ...
subject:"Ghana" from
Reforming Social Policy: Changing Perspectives in Sustainable Human Development
subject:"Ghana" from
Could the revolution have been avoided? What are the lessons that Ghana itself, and other African countries, can learn? The Ghanaian Revolution attempts, clearly and dispassionately, to answer these questions.
subject:"Ghana" from
"The Strange Man is the story of old Mensa, a respected member of a village community in Ghana.
subject:"Ghana" from
The book reveals how African Health Leaders are claiming the future - in Africa, but also by sharing their insights and knowledge globally and contributing fully to improving health throughout the world.
subject:"Ghana" from
This text, useful for understanding the history of the great West African kingdom of Asante (now in Ghana) is also an early - and perhaps the earliest - example of history writing in English by an African ruler.
subject:"Ghana" from
"Justice Arthur presents a wealth of intriguing material, an impressive thick description of the conflict and a thorough analysis of the many, very complex factors that contribute to the conflict.
subject:"Ghana" from
This book argues that understanding the domestic political environment is key to explaining why compliance, or the lack thereof, occurs.
subject:"Ghana" from
This book examines the changing roles and experiences of the police forces involved.
subject:"Ghana" from
This book contributes to the understanding of smallholder agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa through addressing the dynamics of intensification and diversification within and outside agriculture in contexts where women have much poorer ...
subject:"Ghana" from
This book is the first comprehensive monograph dedicated to Chakali, a Southwestern Grusi language spoken by less than 3500 people in northwest Ghana.
subject:"Ghana" from
Originally published in 1969, this book presents a historical geography of Ghana from the earliest times onwards.
subject:"Ghana" from
The book includes photos. His forthcoming book, “Ghana after Nkrumah,” complements this work.
subject:"Ghana" from
These information-packed volumes provide comprehensive overviews of each nation's people, geography, history, government, economy, and culture
subject:"Ghana" from
Pierre examines key facets of contemporary Ghanaian society, from the pervasive significance of 'whiteness' to the practice of chemical skin-bleaching to the government's active promotion of Pan-African 'heritage tourism'.