Könnte diese Entwicklung mit Modellen direkter Demokratie gestoppt werden? Volker Mittendorf vergleicht Kommunalwahlen und Bürgerentscheide in Deutschland und der Schweiz.
Further, the book describes in detail the constitutional and institutional arrangements for languages in Finland's political and administrative system, as well as in education and the mass media.
Betr. u.a. Selbstzeignisse von Johann Rudolf Steck (1772-1805), Henriette Stettler, geb. Herport (1738-1805) und Johann Rudolf Wyss (1781-1830) (siehe Personenregister!).
Im Verlaufe der 1960er und 1970er Jahre haben zahlreiche Schweizerinnen und Schweizer die «Dritte Welt» entdeckt und zum Gegenstand ihres Interesses und ihres politischen Engagements gemacht.
"Through this comprehensive inquiry, the dissertation has highlighted a series of doctrinal inadequacies since the very beginning of air power in Switzerland and some deficiencies regarding current operational capabilities, which must be ...
Hélène is the story of a sixteen-year-old boy's passion for an older woman. Originally published in 1934, it is considered the high point of Jouve's prose career.
Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universitèat Basel, 2007) under the title: KontaktZonen. Alltagsbezeichnungen als rèaumliche Praxis in einem jèudisch-christlichen Dorf, Lengnau (Schweiz) im 19. Jh.
Anne Herrmann, a dual citizen born in New York to Swiss parents, offers in Coming Out Swiss a witty, profound, and ultimately universal exploration of identity and community. “Swissness”—even on its native soil a loose confederacy, ...
Analyse : Second tome concernant les abbayes de moines cisterciens de Bonmont (VD), Frienisberg (BE), Hauterive (FR), Kappel am Albis (ZH), Montheron (VD), Sankt Urban (LU) et Wettingen (AG).
La Suisse et la Deuxième Guerre mondiale : une économie soumise aux diktats de Berlin, les compromissions de conseillers fédéraux face aux nazis suisses et au " réalisme " des milieux dirigeants, la personnalité et les initiatives ...
This book explores how 15 immigrants from German-speaking Switzerland in Australia make sense of their migratory experience, of building a new life in a different language.
Wir haben mit ihnen rein gar nichts gemein!, hatte es Zwinglis Nachfolger Heinrich Bullinger formuliert. Gilt das immer noch? Ist der Riss, der von Anfang an durch die Reformationsbewegung ging, verheilt oder einfach vergessen?
Mit den Begriffen Gedächtnis, Geld und Gesetz wird die Diskussion um das Verhalten der Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg in einen grösseren historischen und theoretischen Zusammenhang gestellt.
This study focuses on the impact of German and Italian foreign workers on the industrialization of Switzerland prior to World War I. Included in the analysis are case studies of the textile and engineering industries, demographic profiles ...
Using the unification of the Swiss Criminal Code as an investigative framework, this book argues that sexualities and nation are intertwined through ideas and discourses about boundaries, their maintenance, and their reproduction, which ...
Making use of case histories drawn from 50 years of wide-ranging cooperation in areas like food and other basic needs, work and income, training and education, rural finance, protection of the environment and participation in society, this ...
Synthesizing the most recent research results on Swiss foreign policy, this volume throws light on why Switzerland remains outside the EU and on the interplay between direct democracy and foreign policy.
This guide is an excellent planning tool providing all the necessary tips to make travelers lives easier It allows readers to plan an individual route taking in Alpine scenery enchanting chateaux and outstanding churches Switzerland's pure ...
A Long Walk in the Alps describes a journey beginning under the shadow of the Eiger's infamous north wall and finishing in the high meadows beneath the soaring ridges of the Matterhorn.
Le canton de Vaud est concerné par plusieurs contributions: Emigration civile et émigration militaire à travers le recensement bernois de 1764 / Lucienne Hubler.
From dealing with the authorities on tax and immigration issues to appreciating the food, culture and recreation, this book provides the practical information you will need. Let CultureShock!
Living with her mother in Switzerland during the time of World War II, Madge moves from the concerns of childhood to the edge of the more adult woes of love and loss, separation and community.
La Suisse, férue de sa neutralité, inquiète des retours de bâton de la démocratie directe, est décrite ici de 1947 à 1989, période dominée par la confrontation Est-Ouest.
The book studies this through an examination of the Swiss Mission in South Africa (SMSA), an institution that acted in South Africa, Switzerland, and the international ecumenical community.
While other states imposed economic sanctions on the apartheid regime of South Africa, Swiss authorities long adhered to the position that South Africa is a state like any other.
Pour les autres il est aveugle et crée le désordre. Voici donc un livre sur le pouvoir. Dans la tradition de Benjamin Constant ou d'Alexis de Tocqueville, Antoine Chollet confère du souffle à l'examen des fondamentaux.
Considered by Belloc himself, and by most critics, his greatest work, this classic book is the delightful story of the pilgrimage Belloc made on foot to Rome in order to fulfill a vow he had made ...and see all Europe which the Christian ...
Die europäische Ein- und Auswanderungspolitik, die schwierigen sozialen Bedingungen sowie die unterschiedlichen Auffassungen des Christentums prägten den Alltag der deutschen Aussiedlergemeinden in Brasilien.
Victor Hugo est venu en Suisse à cinq reprises, entre 1825 et 1884, mais c'est essentiellement le voyage de dix-huit jours qu'il fit en 1839, en compagnie de Juliette Drouet, qui a laissé des traces dans son oeuvre.
Monograph on the situation of Italian migrant workers in Switzerland - examines trends in migration policy, economic implications, attitudes of Swiss political partys and trade unions, includes texts of interviews with migrants relating to ...