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subject:"Venezuela" from
Desde el decreto de expulsión en 1767 hasta nuestros días, los jesuitas reunieron numerosas explotaciones.
subject:"Venezuela" from
Contrary to the contention of the "dependentistas," the cacao export-led economy of the 18th century province of Caracas did not behave as an enclave economy.
subject:"Venezuela" from
International Mediation in Venezuela analyzes the effort of the Carter Center and the broader international community to prevent violent conflict, to reconcile a deeply divided society, and to preserve democratic processes.
subject:"Venezuela" from
"Crude Nation tells the story of how ruinous mismanagement has resulted in the economic implosion of Venezuela, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world"--
subject:"Venezuela" from
Crude Nation reveals the ways in which this mismanagement has led to Venezuela's economic ruin and turned the country into a cautionary tale for the world.
subject:"Venezuela" from
A concise book on Venezuela, told through the lens of oil on the country's politics, economy, culture, and international relations
subject:"Venezuela" from
"A study of the origins of the Acción Democrática (AD) party in the years following the death of Gómez, and an investigation of the political career and style of Betancourt and other early leaders and personalities of the party.
subject:"Venezuela" from
Bobby Longbeak is a wide receiver for the Wild Turkeys who specializes in making highlight-reel touchdown catches on the football field. But when his end zone celebrations cross the line, yellow penalty flags fly.
subject:"Venezuela" from
Vol. 6 contains: "Leyes y decretos de Colombia vigentes en Venezuela."
subject:"Venezuela" from
Vol. 6 contains: "Leyes y decretos de Colombia vigentes en Venezuela."
subject:"Venezuela" from
Vol. 6 contains: "Leyes y decretos de Colombia vigentes en Venezuela."
subject:"Venezuela" from
Análisis de la nueva izquierda latinoamericana liderada por Chávez y Evo Morales que toma el relevo a la Revolución cubana de Fidel Castro.
subject:"Venezuela" from
In Axis of Unity, Sean Goforth explores the motives and contributions of each nation to the partnership. Venezuela and Iran's self-declared "axis of unity" in 2007 forms the alliance's base.
subject:"Venezuela" from
In a first-hand report from Venezuela, veteran correspondent Richard Gott places the county's controversial president in historical perspective.
subject:"Venezuela" from
Venezuela constantly in the news as the economy free falls and the country is on the brink of revolution, and there is no up-to-date book out there.
subject:"Venezuela" from
La Billo's no compadre y otros relatos, es una recopilación de los primeros cuentos e historias cortas del escritor venezolano William Guaregua, quien anteriormente había publicado poesía únicamente.
subject:"Venezuela" from
Author Karen Racine brings the man into focus in a careful, thorough analysis, showing how his savvy, firm political beliefs and courageous actions saved him from being the simple scoundrel that his dalliances suggested.
subject:"Venezuela" from
Zawiera głównie transkrypcję dokumentów wytworzonych przez cabildo (tj. radę miejską) Caracas w latach 1750-1821.
subject:"Venezuela" from
Escenarios del cuerpo propone al lector un viaje al interior de la Venezuela contemporánea a través de una serie de escenarios corpóreos que están emergiendo en las últimas décadas en el culto de posesión espiritista de María Lionza ...
subject:"Venezuela" from
Los Esp**ritus de Venezuela se*ala el final de una *(c)poca de tab**s impuesta en Venezuela por la Conquista Espa*ola y abre la puerta a la sabidur**a pr*ctica de sus espiritistas.
subject:"Venezuela" from
All this changed in the mass unrest during the week of February 27, 1989. This book explores the changing attitudes about Venezuela and it's role in the rest of the world.
subject:"Venezuela" from
After living fifteen years with the Yanomami, Lizot provides direct accounts of daily experience, shamanism, conflict and alliances.
subject:"Venezuela" from
In critical dialogue with contemporary social theory, Fernando Coronil examines key transformations in Venezuela's polity, culture, and economy, recasting theories of development and highlighting the relevance of these processes for other ...
subject:"Venezuela" from
In critical dialogue with contemporary social theory, Fernando Coronil examines key transformations in Venezuela's polity, culture, and economy, recasting theories of development and highlighting the relevance of these processes for other ...
subject:"Venezuela" from
This collection of essays, however, raises a series of caveats about the idea that strong states promote development by exploring several case studies, including Algeria, Malaysia, South Korea, Venezuela and Taiwan.
subject:"Venezuela" from
CONTENIDO: Hacia una interpretación de los orígenes de la violencia colombiana - Una generalización llamada "narco-guerrilla" que esconde la guerra entre los "carteles" del narcotráfico - El plan Colombia: un instrumento, en la región ...
subject:"Venezuela" from
Tras levantarse en contra de Simón Bolívar, denunciándolo como a un tirano con pretensiones monárquicas, José María Córdova y sus tropas fueron derrotados en el campo de El Santuario (provincia de Antioquia) por las fuerzas del ...
subject:"Venezuela" from
"This book documents an encounter between Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, and Aleida Guevara, daughter of the legendary revolutionary Che Guevara and a prominent figure in the antiglobalization movement.
subject:"Venezuela" from
"-Booklist In Baseball in the Barrios, nine-year-old Hubaldo Romero Paez introduces us to his family and friends, and to the many local forms of Beisbol, and all-American sport, as popular in Venezuela as it is anywhere in the United States ...
subject:"Venezuela" from
The radical alteration of the political landscape in Venezuela following the electoral triumph of the controversial Hugo Chavez calls for a fresh look at the country s institutions and policies.
subject:"Venezuela" from
Based on the policy-making structures of Venezuelan government, this book examines the constitutionally allocated powers of the executive and legislature and shows how the powers of each branch are exercised given the incentives established ...
subject:"Venezuela" from
Accompanying CD-ROM, in pocket at end of tomo 2 contains ... "Documentos importantes para la Historia de la revolución de la República de Colombia."--CD-ROM label.
subject:"Venezuela" from
Winner of the Pegasus Prize for International Literature, this novel tells the history of a bitter family dispute, beginning in 18th century Caracas and spanning nearly two centuries. Translated from Spanish by Gregory Rabassa.
subject:"Venezuela" from
Vol. 6 contains: "Leyes y decretos de Colombia vigentes en Venezuela."
subject:"Venezuela" from
Firma de Manuel A. Lalinde. Donacion Biblioteca de Zea.
subject:"Venezuela" from
Este estudio plantea cuestiones como la adaptación de los individuos que emigraron o que fueron expulsados y que, atraídos por las posibilidades de empleo en la Compañía Guipuzcoana, llegaron voluntariamente de la Península a Venezuela ...
subject:"Venezuela" from
The United States and Venezuela attempts to place the events of the past ten years in historical perspective and to explain the reasons why the changes occurred.
subject:"Venezuela" from
No podemos dejar atrás la descripción de cada uno de los seis elementos implícitos en el discurso del Comandante y de regalo el autor desarrolla agradablemente el elemento de oro, explicando de forma sencilla y amena todos estos ...
subject:"Venezuela" from
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
subject:"Venezuela" from
His family''s approach is a backdrop to this book: a peek through the window that you rarely experience. This gives Wealth unusual credibility. The author is practicing day-to-day--with real dollars--the lessons he prescribes.
subject:"Venezuela" from
A thirteen-year-old boy's trip to Venezuela with his cousin culminates in murder and the discovery of an unexpected bond with an Indian tribe, dating from the days of Simon Bolivar.
subject:"Venezuela" from
"Quantitative study of rural household strategies and management is based on a survey of 546 (out of a total of 1,953) households in 22 communities.
subject:"Venezuela" from
En étudiant le cas de la ville pétrolière de Maracaibo, l'auteur veut présenter le Venezuela au-delà des annonces faites par le président H. Chavez prônant la révolution bolivarienne.
subject:"Venezuela" from
El espejismo petrolero, el calentamiento global y la lucha politica entre un populismo arbitrario y totalitarista y los movimientos democraticos bolivarianos pueden convertir a Venezuela en un pais no viable.
subject:"Venezuela" from
Lejos de la epopeya que desde siempre nos han enseñado entre aulas y conmemoraciones, las independencias hispanoamericanas no necesariamente representaron el surgimiento esperado y justo de la nación.
subject:"Venezuela" from
Hubaldo's life as a fifth grader in a Venezuela barrio centers around his love for the country's most popular sport, its teams, and its players.
subject:"Venezuela" from
En esta obra se compilan los diversos articulos de opinion en prensa que componen el acervo intelectual del autor.
subject:"Venezuela" from
In these countries, dependence on petroleum leads to disproportionate fiscal reliance on petrodollars and public spending, at the expense of statecraft.