Family: Asparagaceae

Scientific Name: Cordyline australis Coral

Common Name: Coral Ti Plant


Coral Ti Plant (Cordyline australis) A Ti plant with brownish-purple leaves having streaks of dark and light coral to pinkish coral.

Plant TypePerennial Tender, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone(8)9-10
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, some shade
Soil & Siteaverage
Growing Mediaaverage patio
Temperaturehas tolerated 40-degree temps for me
Leavesarching, grass-like, brownish-purple with streaks of dark and light coral to pinkish coral
Stemsusually single-stemmed, strong apical dominance
Dimensionsin warmer climates my reach 4-6 feet or more, much smaller when grown in the cooler climates and used as an annual
Maintenancehas strong apical dominance, cutting back the plant will promote branching, remove dead leaves mostly from the base of the plant
Author's Notesin zone #5 it can be grown as a patio plant than overwintered in a bright window.
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