x Chitalpa tashkentensis

Accession Count: 3
Common Name: chitalpa
Family Name: Bignoniaceae
Botanical Name: x Chitalpa tashkentensis
Sub Species:
Characteristics: x Chitalpa tashkinensis is a deciduous tree which grows 20 to 30 ft in height, and 20 to 30 feet in width. The leaves are linear, and broader than those of C. linearis. During the hot season, this tree produces large, trumpet shaped flowers.
Compound: x Chi tas
Geographic Origin: Eastern North America
Ecozone Origin: Nearctic
Biome Origin:
Natural History: This is a hybrid of Chilopsis linearis and Catalpa bignoniodes.
Cultivation Notes: x C. tashkinensis should be grown in the mini-oasis and transition zones. This tree grows best with moderate irrigation, and best in locations which are partially shady. t may also lose some of its leaves during the dry hot months of summer but will regrow foliage during the monsoons. Can be pruned and trained to develop a more tree-like form.
Ethnobotany: In modern landscapes, x C. tashkinensis is often used as a patio tree.

Height: 20 - 50 feet
Width: 20 - 50 feet
Growth Rate: Fast Growing
Grow Season:
Flower Season: Spring
Color: Pink
Function: Patio
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Moderate Water Use

Jones, Warren D, and Charles M Sacamano. Landscape Plants for Dry Regions : More Than 600 Species from around the World. Fisher Books, 2000.

x Chitalpa tashkentensis